Learn more about Waders:


NatureServe Explorer is an on-line encyclopedia of life.  One our our favorite reference sources.  Filled with detailed information about all of the birds in our DVDs, plus lots of other living things.


All About Birds - a guide to the birds by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology


The International Crane Foundation is working to save Whoopers in North America and also other crane species around the world


US Fish and Wildlife Service information and updates on Whooping Crane reintroduction efforts


Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership has news about the effort to bring back a flock of migratory Whoopers.


Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - an adorable picture of a whooper chick plus lots more about programs to save the cranes.


The University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Lab, where we filmed the wood stork colony high up in the trees and also some research work.