""I'm at best a journeyman birdwatcher, and I have to admit warblers intimidate me. "Watching Warblers West" adjusted my attitude. After watching it, the birds seem more accessible, even familiar. I've seen these warblers in my field guide, of course, but being able to see their field marks on a live, moving bird helped ingrain them into my brain. Hearing their calls and songs, and watching their movements and behaviors brought them to life for me on a level not possible with a field guide illustration."
Jim Carigliano reviewing for BirdWatcher's Digest
I really can’t believe how good this video footage is, and the DVD transfer shows it off outstandingly. You could watch warblers for years and not get views as good as these. Combined with the fact-filled narration and extras, these DVDs are a must for warbler aficionados.
Grant McCreary, The Birder's Library.com (read full review)
"I cannot recommend their warbler and sparrow videos highly enough. For those of us who like to photograph birds, it is humbling to imagine the hours that go into these shots, most of which would represent the best looks one would ever get of each species through binocs - and this is all shot on 16mm film with pro sound."
posted by John Lowry on the U. of Michigan's birder's listserve
"Watching Warblers WEST comes across, in every aspect, as a labor of love by two artists who have found a way to fully fuse their mutual love of birds and filmmaking. If you enjoy watching warblers yourself (and if you’re a birder who spends any time in the Americas, this means you), you’ll love this work."
Mike Bergin, on 10000birds.com, a great blog for birders (read full review)
"Judy Fieth begins the narration, and she welcomes me to the “music and color of warblers.” No kidding. From the opening images, I’m hooked. The photography is gorgeous. Fieth and Male give us habitat shots with excellent ambient sound for context. Then they zero in on some of the most intimate bird photography I’ve ever seen."
Susan Wider, review on Surfbirds.com
" I will look forward to waterfowl and shorebirds...or whatever you produce next! Watching one of your films truly gives a better "bird's-eye view" than is generally possible in the field. Not only is that helpful for recognition in the field later, but it helps a person to get through a long birdless winter. I also appreciate the amount of information provided by the graphics and narrative -- it's "just right" -- enough to be useful without being too much to absorb."
Susan Boettcher - a satisfied Warblers WEST viewer
All content on this site is created and copyrighted 2018 by Michael Male and
Judy Fieth, Blue
Earth Films.
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