"Hands down the best bird video I've ever seen!"
George Fenwick, president, American Bird Conservancy
"must viewing for anyone interested in learning North America's warblers. This is quite simply the best birding video I've ever seen. Even veteran birders will marvel at the images and sounds recorded by this talented team of film makers."
Dr. Scott Shalaway, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
"footage so sharply lit and stunningly close that each segment is a birdwatcher's 'dream look'."
Julie Zickafoose, BirdWatcher's Digest
"To get more intimate with North American Warblers, you'll have to establish a territory and find a mate. Simply the most elegant portrayal of warblers I've ever seen!"
Pete Dunne, author and Vice President of Natural History Information, New Jersey Audubon
"We absolutely loved it! Every single bird is captured as bold as life, in vivid color and full-throated song. This is as close as you can get to a personal introduction to each exquisite warbler."
Mike Bergin, 10000birds.com (click here to read the full review)
"Beautiful cinematography! Thorough research. This film is an excellent way to learn the song, habits and the breeding habitats of our eastern warblers"
Jon Dunn, co-author of the National Geographic Society's "Field Guide to the Birds of North America"
"Watching Warblers" isn't just another bird video...This stuff is clean, sharp, steady, colorful, thoughtfully shot and skillfully edited. The soundtrack is crisp, clear and perfectly synched to the complex songs of the array of warblers"
Mark Wilson, The Boston Globe
What's not to love? Glorious spring-plumaged males singing their hearts out at the top of a northern spruce or under a shady canopy in the south."
Andy Birch on Surfbirds.com. (click here to read the full review)
All content on this site is created and copyrighted 2018 by Michael Male and
Judy Fieth, Blue
Earth Films.
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